Friday, March 7, 2014

Pyrotechnically Speaking (Getting to know your pyrotechnicians at Archangel Fireworks) Pt.3

In our last post we looked at what our shooters love about their jobs, we learned about the pride and the glory that they get out of shooting fireworks shows.  But we know that not everyone loves everything about their jobs all the time, so we asked them to dish the dirt on the not-so-glamorous aspects of being a pyrotechnician.

Question # 3: What is your least favorite thing about shooting a fireworks show?

James: The cleanup! Oh god the cleanup! I was told on my first show “We shoot fireworks for free…we get paid to clean up”

Leiah: Dealing with crowd control, we close off roads and walkways for shows and sometimes that really upsets people.  Perfectly reasonable folks turn into vicious beasts when you tell them they can’t cut through a fireworks site, I have scars to prove it.

Ross: Lazy technicians. I love when things go smooth, and there’s nothing worse for me than a weak link. I have very little use for them on my sites.
My other least favorite thing would be the cold. I may be spoiled having been around fireworks for a bit, but I really dread the winter fireworks shows. I try to ensure all my winter shows are indoors or somewhere warm.

Adam:   Nick Richardson.
(Nick RichardsonARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!)

Candice: Cleaning up after the show!
Nothing can truly prepare you for the first time you rake a parking lot at 2:00am after a 15 hour day. Fireworks are truly a labor of love. But nothing beats the sound of the crowd following a show and feeling of pride that comes along with that. At the end of the day its that feeling that makes the cleanup bearable.

Kelly: Not being in control

Do you have a question for the crew?  Is there something that you would like to know about what it's like to be a pyrotechnician?  Send your questions to 

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