Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pyrotechnically Speaking (Getting to know your pyrotechnicians at Archangel Fireworks) - Yaarr!

This could be you!
Have you dreamt of getting into the mysterious world of display fireworks? Do you want to hear the applause after a thunderous finale and feel the pride in knowing you did that? Do you long to sail the seas with a surly, ragtag bunch of misfits in search of plunder? (Oh wait, that's pirates). In any case, here is some advice from the pros at Archangel Fireworks

Question 11:  Do you have any advice for people interested in getting involved in the fireworks industry?

James:  Yes...when on site pay attention to those with experience and aim away from face!

Leiah:  Become a sponge, absorb and observe different ways of doing things but always respect your supervisor and how they want things done!

Ross: Learn from as many people as possible, experience different supervisors so you can determine the safest and the best way to do things. Find a reputable company, asks questions when you’re onsite – don’t be shy. We all love to talk about ourselves and our jobs.

Adam:  Ask someone else for advice.

Candice: Always be prepared for the unknown.  In many circumstances you are in remote places with limited resources. Being able to think fast on your feet will be your biggest asset and will save your fellow crew a lot of driving!

Kelly: Try it before you dive in.

We are coming to the end of our blog series so if there is anything you want to know from the crew at Archangel now is the time!

Do you have a question for the crew?  Is there something that you would like to know about what it's like to be a pyrotechnician?  If we use your question you could win your very own Archangel Fireworks T-shirt!  Send your questions to 

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