Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photographing Fireworks

Some of you may have noticed that we have some REALLY great photos of our shows. That is because we are extremely lucky to have a very talented and experienced photographer at our service.

Geoff Lussier of Icarus Photografix graduated from the University of Manitoba, School of Art with a 4 year Bachelor of Fine Art Honours degree. He started off a long way from photography, majoring in drawing/mixed media with a focus on drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, Polaroid photography, lots of coffee grounds and auto body putty.

It wasn't until the late 90's that he really got into digital photography and computers through the jobs he found himself in, doing web design and working with Photoshop doing restoration and manipulation of images.

What Geoff is known best for is his breath taking panoramics and his voodoo magic photoshoppery. He can often be found dodging lighting bolts and running through mud filled ditches in the middle of the night to get that perfect starscape or Aurora Borealis; "Doing the odd extreme stuff makes the normal everyday shooting seem easy - that is till you realize that is your normal shooting day." says the artist.

People often ask Geoff how to shoot fireworks so I thought I would ask the same question and see what advice he had, candidly he answered: "Don't put a slow CF card in your 5DII to shoot video. Stick with what you know - stick with stills and screw video!" referring to a crazy experience at the Saskatoon Fireworks Festival where I demanded video of the show, "Other than that keep at it and practice. Fireworks are completely random what ends up in the shot. You get good ones and lots of bad ones. The only control you have is where you set up and ambient light exposure. Everything else is luck of the draw"

Geoff's work can be found on his website and for all of you photography buffs out there, he runs highly regarded photography forum as well!

It is a privilege to have such a talent artist as a part of the Archangel Fireworks team.

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