Monday, November 16, 2009

Winnipeg Festival of Trees and Lights

Come see the Archangel Fireworks tree at the 2009 Festival of Trees and Lights at the Assiniboine Park Conservatory.

The theme this year is "Winter Garden".

Are you wondering how fireworks and Christmas trees and "Winter Gardens" go together? We were as confused as you are, but after a lot of planning, a lot of hard work and a lot of hot glue gun burns we have come up with an idea that will either be a smash hit or make children cry at the sight of our horrible monstrosity. Either way, it will be a great time and it's all for charity.

Come see our amazing (or possibly horrifying) badass tree!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of us at the Festival of Trees and Lights love your tree. It's a great blend of colours and sparkle! Great job. Hope you decide to join us again next year!

A fan,
Monique Graboski
Festival Co-Chair